Have you heard of the “creative printer” paper-cut Cricut Maker?

What is Cricut Expression Cutter? Why this machine is able to crop many images with wonderfully delicate cuts. You can find a lot of information on Google, but in this article: Have you heard of the Cricut Maker paper-cutting “creative printer”? Fado will introduce you to the basics of this amazing machine, from features to price!

Cricut’s innovative printer and history

Cricut is the name of a series of compact home manual cutters, manufactured by Provo Craft, products for scrapbooking and paper-crafting materials, or machines that can cut thin paper and plywood. , vivyl paper to form different shapes.

The first machine appeared in 2003, quickly along with other models was able to dominate the US market and the world. Especially America and Europe. Thereby contributing to the expansion of business lines from paper craft; scrapbooking; crafts; home decoration, gift.

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